Why Working At A Daycare Is Right For You

Working at a daycare isn’t the easiest job, so how do you know if it’s the right choice for you? While certain skills will help you shine in the role, there are many other things to consider. At The Breakie Bunch, we are committed to adding employees to our staff who we know will thrive as part of our team. So, how do you know if working at a daycare is for you? Great question!


You Love Working with Kids

While this is an obvious one, it’s the number one question to ask yourself when wondering if you should work at a daycare. Kids can have meltdowns, need help adjusting on their first day, need to be taught how to share, and so much more. Working with kids isn’t a job that you can take lightly.

These little kids count on you every day for several things, and you must teach them how to navigate their feelings, thoughts, and activities. Does this sound like something you are ready to do? While the job description covers your responsibilities, it doesn’t cover the impact you will make, the bonds you will create, or the joy it will bring. If you have answered yes, you love working with kids but still aren’t sure, we compiled three skills you should have!


3 Necessities for Working at a Daycare

  • Patience
  • Compassion
  • Enthusiasm


Patience is a Virtue

Patience is one of the top skills needed for working at a daycare. Many kids will walk through the door with different backgrounds and environments that dictate how they interact. It takes a lot of patience to work with kids from all walks of life who will be looking to you for guidance. If you have loads of patience, working at a daycare is right for you.


Compassion is Your Strong Suit 

Kids need compassionate people surrounding them as they grow and learn how to navigate the world around them. Showing compassion to a child having a rough day can make a world of difference in their lives.

Kids also learn by watching, so teaching compassion helps them learn to be kind to themselves and others. It also teaches them to help those in need and helps them create a foundation for future friendships and relationships.


You Love Spreading Enthusiasm Everywhere You Go

Not everyone has the right level of enthusiasm needed to work with kids daily. But, if you love wearing many hats, always have a smile on your face, and love focusing on the bright side of things, working at a daycare is the perfect fit. Children can feel your energy and thrive knowing they always have someone rooting for them.

Working at a daycare consists of teaching kids different topics, social skills, and so much more. Adding enthusiasm to each one of those will have those kids wanting to learn more. We pride ourselves on making our classrooms fun and interactive spaces where all our students can thrive.

While these three skills aren’t the only ones you may have, they are the ones we feel are the most crucial when joining The Breakie Bunch team. We want you to thrive and succeed when you join us and love coming to work every day. So, if you love children and have the right skill set, apply to work with us today. Every day is rewarding, fun, and full of surprises!